
Saturday, July 9, 2011

Outrage(ous) Magazine Review!

Hello! Today when I thought to check out Skype, on my news feed, I noticed Amanda(LadyGagaMcQueen)'s status was saying something like 'Outrage is out!' and posted a link of it.

So like any curious cat, I went to go look at it..

Outrage Magazine is a magazine owned and publicized by LadyGagaMcQueen, 'til this day to be honest, I find her name to be rather cheesy.. But anyway! And here along with Noj(nojarama), I will review the magazine's first issue!

The cover: Dei's rating 6 out of 10 - / Noj's rating - 2 out of 10

Dei: Its not bad, though her cropping skills could use a bit of work. But the font usage is a bit.. tacky. But I actually like the dress, its an improvement for her. Though I do not understand the random flowers and the weird tunnel thing..

Noj: Badly made, the models body has biceps next to her elbow, awkwardly lumpy arm pits overall it's really not neat. The dress isn't as bad it could be improved I don't know why but on the left it looks like someone's been using the dress as an ashtray. The background confuses me I'm not sure if it's some sort of a black hole sucking things in or a wall with objects flying about.

The graphics: Dei's rating - 3.5 out of 10 / Noj's rating - 0 out of 10
Dei: Overall, I wasn't surprised by them, they remind me of the horrid 'Beg For More..' banners that she made, which was pretty much her placing a medoll's face on a real person's body and coloring the skin. But like I said about the cover, its an improvement from her. Though she should work on her hair and clothes design skills. She has potential but.. I really am not a huge fan of how she literally copies and pastes real life shoes and clothes and uses them.. its kind of lazy.. I mean really, you CAN find a lot of clothing she is talking about ON Stardoll.. Its not very hard..

Noj: The graphics are appalling in the magazine, it obvious pictures were taken and sharpened or posterized in an attempt to make them look like graphics. Have they ever head of 'smoothen'ing? The tool is there for a reason USE IT. It disappoints me how they just basically pull out pics of medolls and just pop them on top of badly edited pictures and try to pass them off as 'graphics'. Some graphics look like they were actually made, shocking. However not made well. The hairstyles are crazy they're end in blocks rather than strands. The teams laziness is obvious they need to have a serious think before releasing another issue because it's really embarrassing.

     Dei's favorite graphic:                  Noj's favorite graphic:
     Dei's pick for worst graphic:         Noj's pick for worst graphic:

The articles: Dei's rating - 7 out of 10 / Noj's rating - 2 out of 10

Dei: I think it is very sweet of her to use such huge text sizing on most of the articles, I am sure many reading impaired people thank her for her kindness in thinking about them when she put her text in about 26 Time's New Roman. But seriously, the fonts were tacky with the weird pastel backgrounds for them. And the one about hats.. all I saw was a person babbling on about how much they think hats are in style. And the reason I choose the makeup tutorials as the worst articles to me is because.. it was on Big Brother Stardoll(click here)! Hello?! Why re-use a makeup tutorial that's already been published?! And I hated the smokey eye'd one anyway because.. it's NOT a smokey eye, I mean really, where is the blending of another color? It's just a black eye..

Noj: The graphics were so bad, I didn't bother reading the articles. And, 'The Mad Hatter' one looks like it was made on paint..

Dei's favorite article:        Noj's favorite article:
"The Wedges Story"      The last one, it told me my nightmare was over.

  Dei's worst article:                Noj's worst article:
  The makeup tutorial(s).           "The Mad Hatter"
Overall Review of Outrage Magazine:
Dei: My review is 'needs improvement', bottom line. Nothing else I can saying really. It was a lovely attempt, but really, its too.. Eh. But I can see it being improved!

Noj: The team is clearly lazy and the magazine was evidently rushed, either not enough time was spent on it or the graphics producer needs to be fired or brush up on his/her skills asap. I see why the magazine was called Outrage it put me on the brink of self destruction.

Overall Rating of Outrage Magazine: Dei's - 5 out of 10 / Noj's - 1 out of 10

To read it for yourself click here! I hope this review was enjoyable for you.

Love, Dei


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