
Sunday, February 28, 2010

Freakshow Awards: Best Dressed List

MESSAGE FROM TYLER: Running an awards show is not as easy at it looks. Or at least, as easy as I thought it looked. For the February Freakshow Awards ceremony being my first, I feel great. I got a tremendous amount of support and publicity and it just makes me want to continue and work harder. I don't want to give too much away, but next month - expect a different turnout. Unlike other awards shows I have seen, I didn't start out with a fancy Red Carpet, or an official after party. I felt like, by doing this I left room for improvement. I guess what I am trying to say is The Freakshow Awards, March - are in the works as you read this; better than ever!

N1Mka4Eva, Nicole-0, Springate, DanPuffs

Gothribbon, flipflop96, Looc123, WriteMaryCat

Babuci1991, r1ma, Anchesenamon, LuceLuce

Mysecketlover, gkmktk, toxxic.angel x2

Vasia28-, Fakeshake3, EMILYmileyrocks, missemilieA98

Slaggot, .pease., Monroe..., Starszn

tcholas93, lilyandmile, ashantiBoo, dirk691

Welsh_witch, foreversecret, winter4543, collectorcentre

star_awards, Hunnigall, emorox4eva, Beverlyhillshei

Manolo.DiCicco, John_el_mejor, Haitianrichboy9, Tylerisbold

The Freakshow Awards Tonight!

So today is the big day, The Stardoll Freakshow Awards is finally here! If you have read you will know that we, here at Stardoll's Most Hated Website are sponsoring the Best Dressed list of tonight's event. Remember, the theme of the ceremony is in loving memory of the great Alexander Mcqueen.

Instructions on how to be featured in the 'Best Dressed List' are currently on TheStardollFreakshow's blog, click HERE
Finally, I would just like to wish all nominees the best of luck, and may the best 'man' win.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Style Stalker: Maj23 / Random Rant

Hey everyone, I know I missed out last week's Style Stalker which has been bugging me, but I have been really busy with school and real life etc! Anyway, So this is my first post with my brand new banner created by my good friend Manolo.DiCicco He is talented, a wonderful friend and I am sure you guys will be seeing alot more of him! BUT back to business, this week I style stalked Maj23 aka Andry, and to be quite blunt about it, I love everything to do with her style, even the most simplest of outfits, I believe she pulls of well and makes them look unique. Andry has a great sense of colours and tones, and knows what works and what doesn't, and she takes risks with mix and matching outfits and they often work! My favourite of them has to be 2 and 3! Which is your favourite? Let me know.

That's all for now guys, hopefully see alot of you on Sunday at The Stardoll Freakshow Awards. Invitation is HERE
Love Nicole-0

P.S I would just like to clear something up, I am quite bothered that Anthony has tried to kinda put the blame on me, I love him and all but I did not approve anything, I read his post, then went and checked on skype what I said, and I said it was a little harsh and YOUR call. I guess that is kinda 'approving' because I didn't say no. I've already apologised in Anthony's post's comments, I definetly did NOT want anyone to feel bullied! Anyway I am so bored of this drama, we should be focussing on more important things, such as THE FREAKSHOW AWARDS this sunday. Have no idea what to wear! See you all there!

Friday, February 26, 2010

Sorry guys...

I'm going to be mature about this, and admit that I was wrong. I'm sorry for being so crude, and mean - but I was EXTREMELY pissed at whateverthefuck I read. Nicole is a great friend to me, and I wrote that for her. I let her approve it and then I pressed post. After reading it again, it was extremely immature of me to say those things. Not only did I step over the line, and moved it back a light year. I abused my spot on this blog... and hope that you guys can once again accept me. Please forgive and forget me, because I realize now - that is all we can do. I don't want people to get the wrong perception of me, so I'm humbling myself. I guess we can think of this as my press release. I stooped down to her level with that post..... I'm quite the little bitch these days. I'll just go take some midol, sleep a little, and come back a little bit nicer. I'm sorry to Kasia, the readers, and Perez for disgracing the blog.



What was the point of this?? I read it like 3 times and still can't decipher anything that would qualify as funny or called for about it. All of that because of a photo of a message that no one can even prove was actually written by UndamyUmbrella? And even if you could prove she wrote it, you're mad because she called someone "rude and childish". That's her big sin? Oh, that and she's annoying and complains a lot and dresses like Frankenbitch. For that she deserves to be accused of being a male pedophile? That was just NASTY. I am truly disgusted by that article, and I had to say this publically here on the blog because I don't want anyone thinking I agree with or condone anything that was said.

Underneath all of the ranting and transparent attempts at attention-whoring, Kasia is a smart girl. Most of the time I agree with what she says, just not how she says it. Her arguments lose credibility because she chooses to present them in unnecessarily dramatic ways that prove she's mostly trying to get a reaction out of people, instead of just intelligently stating her case. Is she obnoxious and pretentious? Yeah. Do I agree with how she betrayed Dan? No. Are those reasons for anyone to crucify her the way they do? Not. At. All.

So this is my very public slap on the wrist to Mr. Anthony Springman Slutgate. I know that you're young and don't always think before you say things, and most of what you say is hyped up for dramatic effect. But I think it's important to point out that you and Kasia have something in common: You BOTH love attention. The difference is that the way you go about it is usually entertaining. This time, however, it just wasn't =/

p.s. The confusion over who actually wrote the "Kiyah Pulls a Kasia" article could have been avoided. Try to always use your photo headers yal!


Yes guys 'n' dolls, Eternity Magazine has officially been released...well part of it. It would appear that only the cover of the February/March issue has been released today, but the members at E left this statement for readers: ''Will be releasing one page per day'' which is quite explanatory.

So keep checking that out, link to the magazine is HERE

And a huge conratulations to this issue's covergirl April177 I look forward to reading your interview. The graphics, as usual look brilliant, and I cannot wait to see the rest.


Thursday, February 25, 2010


HERE is how to get it...follow the steps:

1.Go to Stardoll and go to your INBOX(nowhere else will this work) the URL of your browser copy and paste this: javascript:Msg.buyItem(23776)
and hit enter

3.Don't be afraid if your money says NaN after this....that means you bought it....refresh and go to see your LE top in front of your wardrobe!!

Requirements:To be a Superstar and have 100 stardollars

It comes in 2000 is a sellable....but the name we got it it is different than the name of the message....

This is for the MCQUEEN TOP:

HERE is how to get it...follow the steps:

1.Go to Stardoll and go to your INBOX(nowhere else will this work) the URL of your browser copy and paste this: javascript:Msg.buyItem(23775)
and hit enter

3.Don't be afraid if your money says NaN after this....that means you bought it....refresh and go to see your LE top in front of your wardrobe!!

Requirements:To be a Superstar and have 65 stardollars

New LE Dress!

SO, although all the drama the past few days, here is something to take your mind off of it. NEW LE CLOTHING Yes you read correctly, thanks to YOU too can turn heads with some new Limited Edition clothing, such as the beautiful dress (as seen above) and a new couture bustier top. Click HERE to get exclusive access to the new items! The blog also provides all the hotbuys, latest trends information any stardoll member could wish to know! However, you must be superstar to be eligable for the LE clothes, and they do not come cheap, as you can imagine. Anyway Enjoy, and I hope you guys manage o get them before they sell out! Good luck b*tches. Love Nicole-0

P.S Who do you think is rockin' it best?

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Owned, again...

Following this comment made by the hypocritical, crazy, ex-contributor to this blog I feel the need to address this and once again prove her wrong. I mean, really, why is she even bothering now? Does she enjoy being so wrong so often?

Either way, the accusation of photo shopping very well could be true, hence the previous title - any photo shopping of images was not done by myself as Kasia clearly indicates. Unless the crazy one believes I photo shopped this message too? Hey maybe the videos are a mirage, too?

Proof above. The image was given to me, silly!

Remind me, how many times have I schooled crazy cat lady now? 3 or 4 times, I've lost count.

Dear Kasia,

FUCK YOU. It's established, that a slim few like you. Not only have you been looking a little bride of Frankenstein-ish lately, you've been causing unecessary drama. It's obvious that no one cares about you, so when you finally see that the whispers surrounding your name have hushed - you go and do some dumbass act to an INNOCENT person. It's obvious that you're run down from all those late night whoring sessions... because we all know that you couldn't have afforded your account on your own. Excuse me, you say you're from New York City to SOME PEOPLE, and personally tell me that you're from New York state, and you HATE the people in your town because they're "racist". It's obvious that you're quite sensitive to racism... because you've bitched and complained about it on several occasions. All you do is BITCH, BITCH, BITCH, BITCH, BITCH, BITCH, BITCH! It's getting on everone's nerves, and obviously contagious... because I'm writing this bitchy post TO YOU, and you only. You need to be put in your place, because it's obvious that your head is harder than your cock when you see little boys. Yeah, you heard me. I doubt you're even a girl - much less a teen one. Don't even go and say "I can prove it", because all you have to do is log onto facebook and steal a picture. You're lamer than lame, and think you're hot shit... in the same outfit for a month. BONJOUR... please change your dress, damnit! This is for Nicole-0, because you targeted her. She's my friend, and no one messes with her.
With love,
Anthony :)
P.S. - Note the fact that there is cum all over her. Further proof that she's a man... who jacks to pics of children. EW.

Oh shit...

Nicole did NOT make a post about Kiyah called: 'Kiyah pulls a kasia...' I DID. I'm very sorry if it caused offence to Kasia although i did make it very clear that i nooo way intended to offend her. I WANNA MAKE THAT CRYSTAL CLEAR.


Real or fake?

This little message was found on tinypic by a reader who pointed it out to me. Click to enlarge and laugh.

Is it real? It certainly looks real to me, to which begs this question...

Kasia, why are you SO obsessed with me?


Sunday, February 21, 2010

Awards invite

*Click the pic to go to the official site*

Will you be there?

Friday, February 19, 2010

Elite News

Shameless, I know!

I'm writing for a second blog, called Elite News and it's really funny, I've just joined and I adore the concept and humor they have regarding gossip on Stardoll. Check it out, by clicking HERE.

I'm hoping to start blogging a lot more, but being back as school after Christmas has been tougher than I anticipated, sorry for my lack of input everyone. Expect more from me soon!


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Fierce magazine spoiler!

This is a spoiler for the newest issue of Alice's(Hunnigall) magazine - Fierce!

What do you guys think of it? Personally I love it. Especially the green and purple shapes in the background, and the spoiler doesn't give much away so it leaves you wanting to see more, don't you think?

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

We Want YOU!

ThePoisonApple is looking for a DJ and photographer to help us out at our weekly events! I really want to make the most of the club so that yal have a place to hang out and socialize without having to wait forever for special themed events. Basically what we want to start doing are weekly parties every Friday night (maybe 6pm EST or whatever) sort of like what Prime_Tyme used to do at Club_Star, and then you guys can schedule theme events for any night of the week you want. Now it's gonna be hard/impossible for me or Anthony to host every event, so we have officially made Charlotte (N1mka4eva) the club manager of TPA and you can go to her to schedule events as well as me or Springy! But back to the point, it's really hard to host parties AND take screenshots of people's outfits AND then DJ at the same time. So in order to keep things organized and running smoothly for these weekly events I want to hire a permanent "DJ" and "photographer".

The DJ would basically be in touch with the people throwing the parties and create playlists that go along with the theme, as well as including other songs that are currently popular. Then at the party itself you'll announce the songs that are currently playing and post the link to the playlist. Excellent taste in music is a must! The photographer's job is a little easier, you'd just try to visit everyone who attends the events and get screenshots of their outfits for the best dressed list. You'd also help us judge Best and Worst for the blog! If you're interested in being the official DJ for ThePoisonApple just message me on PerezStarGossip and include your Top 10 favorite bands/artists. Photographers, message me and include your Top 10 most fashionable Stardollians. And don't stress out about not being available for every single event, we all have lives and we'll just do the best we can to cover for one another and keep TPA up and running!


She left?

You learn something new EVERY day!

Monday, February 15, 2010

She's BACK.

What do you think?


LE or not LE?

Wondering why there is the new 'bought LE' tab? Fear not my penniless chums there isn't a new collection out now. Instead it's referring to the offer to all buyers of the 5th LE collection - for 175sd you too could own one of these fabulous white dresses modelled in the pic by Nikitin.

The return of Mosky


Sunday, February 14, 2010


Could someone PLEASE tell me if I won something? I have no fucking clue... (:
