
Monday, June 13, 2011

Famewhores Are The New Elites??

It's sad to see that your own co-writer is one of your biggest haters, but those are the kind of people I need in order to fuel my writing. Jealousy and desperation can take the sweetest girl and turn her into just another black-souled bitch in the crowd but it’s pleasant to see KingOfMedia’s true colors. I promised myself I wouldn't care enough to waste my first real post with bashing on my haters so I won't, at least not yet. Honestly, I would have preferred reading Jack or Selena’s famewhore posts over Linda’s any day. 

Speaking of Famewhoring, I’d never even heard the word until I ventured into the world of blogging. I remember my first time on PSG was the exact day that everyone was publicly bashing Jack and Selena for their ultimate attention-seeking ways. I found it funny but I admired them and all the attention they were getting. To be quite honest, we all like Selena, and yes even Jack. Hell, we even kinda like MizzMileyCyrus9. Why?? Because she’s exciting, she gives us something to talk about. Famewhoring your way to the top of DollyWood isn’t exactly the easiest thing to accept but it's entertaining regardless. They keep your interest, something few people can do these days, and that’s why we write about them. It takes a lot of effort to be a famewhore, but regardless of what everyone says, we all have a little of that inside of us already. It’s that trashy appeal, that quality that makes you want to violently push everyone else out of your way in an attempt to have the spotlight to yourself.
Sure, you can shake your head all you want but it's true. Even outside of Stardoll, the urge to be known, to be recognized for anything and everything is a deeply embedded human tendency. The feeling of knowing you’re "better" than others is as addicting as a high.
After being on Stardoll for years, I've come to realize that at some point in time, regardless of status, all elites will eventually slip from the top of Doll World and fall into the Land Of The Has-Beens. So why is popularity so appealing? Think of people like singingmermaid, Style_Magazine or emorox4eva. When I first joined Stardoll, those people were like Gods to me, they had everything. How often do you still hear of them now?? On the other hand, how often do you hear of MMC9, Jack or even Selena?? Famewhores are the new “elites” of Stardoll.
The old people leave and the newbies start sprouting new seeds. It’s been that way for years. We're constantly bombarded by those with the mentality that the only way to make a name for yourself is to do stupid shit. And to be quite honest, it works. The spotlight is stolen by people I like to call “The Tylers”, the kind of people that crave that attention and will do anything for it.
Point being, I happen to like famewhores. Wake up to the new Stardoll hunni’s, talent is a pure waste of energy. The only way to make it to the top is to force your way there. And to those that have succeeded, I applaud you.



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