
Monday, February 28, 2011

Stardolls Most Wanted Hacker

Suspected scam artist and thief Mizzmileycyrus9 is still on the loose. And this time, shes showing no mercy. She's been called a scammer and a liar so many times by other dolls that, if shes NOT lying about stealing the items then she must be starting to believe it herself.

Here she is photoed telling Avniarisha that she is indeed "STARDOLLS MOST WANTED HACKER".Pic courtesy of Jays Graphics

Honestly, I don't think that this printscreen is suspiciously edited or fabricated.
The graphics on the girl who posted this photos blog are not that great.
She seems as if she is just starting with designs and re-doing a screen print that's undetectable takes a cold and calculating scam artist. A scam artist like like Mizzmileycyrus9,
who's been known to cheat, lie and steal.
Just google this girls Stardoll screen name.
Almost everything connected to her has to do with a scam or cheating of some kind.
She's the shady kind of girl who even cheats at SD competitions. Remember this post on The Ugly Side Of Stardoll's blog? What a sneaky little minx. Her credibility was already shot when she pulled that stunt.

And when you have so much evidence of scamming built against you,maybe it isn't so wise to save your medoll standing in an empty blue room with you and 6 LE and Skyscraper items that you only paid 2 stardollars for.
Sure, she can go ahead and lie and say she was transferring items from another of her accounts,
but she already denied owning any other accounts on SD.
This girl is a walking trainwreck.

If so many people are accusing her of scamming and hacking, there has to be some truth behind it. Even people who were friends with her at one point have accused her of posing as a friend in order to get the answer on security questions and hack her account.

See one of her latest ordeals with another controversial member.
This is one instance of The Boy Who Cried Wolf.Freeduck_ may have lied before, but something told me he was not telling a tale this time.
Just a day before he was hacked,Mizzmileycyrus9
also asked ME to write for her suspicious empty blog.
After hearing Jack's (aka Freeduck_) story I got the strange vibe that she was plotting on doing the same to me. She would need my email to add me to her blog as well.
And I thought she was being nice. She was probably going to hack me all the way to December.

Her presentation leaves much to be desired.
I felt like I was reading a fake copycat of any random elites presentation.
This is the new trend I noticed. A few elite members started it a long time ago and other non elites simply followed suit. Going into long detail about your life on your presentation and trying to sound important and deep.Yawn. Lets just keep it short and sweet. We're only here to have fun. And chances are shes lying about everything anyway, so who really cares?

EDIT: She stole the entire presentation from Miss_LolitaF

EDITS: She even stole Wooldoors graphic for one of her MANY failed blogs.

Everyones innocent until proven guilty MizzMiley, but you already said it yourself. You're Stardolls most wanted hacker.

P.S. Don't bother going to her guestbook to leave nasty comments. She already stated that she closed it due to embarrassment. I mean harassment. Most of the harassment she speaks of were people accusing her of stealing from them.

Watch out for this self-proclaimed hacker. What reason would so many of her friends and strangers have to lie? You could be next.

hunnlgall brings the LULz!!


I love you girl.


Personally, it's hard seeing her no longer be a part of this amazing blog. If it weren't for her, I wouldn't be writing for PSG right now. We all know she's done and said some things that have clearly hurt others, but nobody's perfect. Especially when your hurting both emotionally and mentality. Although many of you don't believe her about her mental state, sometimes we just have to close our big opinionated mouths and just be there for her because real or fake Charlotte's is clearly at a sensitive place right now.

I actually got on Charlotte's bad side once. She was angry with me for making her into a lesbian in my fake gossip blog, Elite News. It was understandable why she would be upset because the blog was something new and different and people didn't really know how to take it at first. She eventually realized the concept of it and played along. Then by the time you knew it, we became good friends. She and Mary were my go to pals who would always include me in their skype chats, oh do I miss those chats, haha! I really got to see Charlotte's human side, which was obviously not perfect, but she was always so open and trustworthy. I felt like I could tell her everything, and I did. I think that's the side most of you who judge her don't see, which I think if you did, you would have a better understanding of why she is the way she is.

Charlotte. I love you girl.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

What Happened to Charzilla?

Some of you have already noticed that Charlotte is no longer a contributor on the blog, and her "HATE" rant is gone. She deleted it herself because the comments were getting to her, and they got to me as well which is why I made the decision to remove her from the blog. Several people came forward expressing that they felt she was a hypocrite and they had no sympathy for her because of some vile things she had said to them and their friends, and Dan confirmed for me that it was true. Jack wrote a post on his new blog that explains everything, check it out HERE.

This whole thing with Charlotte has been very sad to watch. Personally I choose to believe her because I'd rather be the gullible person who showed someone compassion than the jerk who doubted someone that was telling the truth about something so serious. However I completely understand the people who think she's making it up, and I really don't think it's anyone's place to judge those that have come out and said they think she's lying. She chose to announce it to everyone on this blog and when you do that you need to be prepared for both positive and negative feedback. Obviously she wasn't.

I am disappointed and disgusted by the things she has said to people, she is obviously a very damaged person and I genuinely wish her the best in her journey towards mental health.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Radio Perez's 1st Show & New Poll

Our first ever Radio Perez live broadcast is tomorrow night, 6:00pm EST! Me and Dan will be discussing freeduck_ vs. MissLolita_F, the Tyler scandal, and everyone OMGWTFing over Gia's post about "Noelle/Isabella/theotherone" © SaltyDan

We'll also be discussing who should get axed on the blog, and I want your input so don't forget to vote in the poll which is over in this => general direction. I've been getting a lot of complaints, and most of you know I usually don't give an eff, but in this case I agree with you so the readers get to vote: Who should I fire from PSG?

We'll be broadcasting from, and listeners will be able to type in questions and comments and maybe even jump in for an interview. It'll be fun, hope to see yal there!

.:UPDATE:. (5:05pm EST)
I feel like a complete douche bag for not giving the writers a heads up about the poll, that was just rude! I rushed putting the post together last night and then I was busy with school and work all day today and I kept thinking to myself, "You know what self? You're an asshole!" Poor judgement on my part, I'm sorry ladies!

In happier news, Radio Perez starts in 1 hour!

Poohg_1993 hacked AGAIN ?

Poohg_1993 is hacked AGAIN ?
After her being hacked several times now in the past year i really can't believe it.
Who has such a grudge on her that they keep hacking her over and over again ?
She had lost all her rares time and time again, she managed to buy them back but now it happened again.
Apparently she is still on her account and she made a plead for help on her presentation.
I honestly don't know if this is real or a publicity stunt. But if it is really i hope you get it back !
What are your thoughts on this ?



Stardolls We Love to Hate


There are some Stardolls that will forever have a stigma attached to them. Control freak. Famewhore. Crazy lady. Diva. Snake (okay that one's my fault). I asked around on Stardoll which members were the most hated, and these were the Top 5.

I was actually surprised that fakeshake3 even made the list, by all accounts she's pulled a Miss Havisham, hiding out in her suite and talking to her rares and Hot Buys as if they weren't inanimate objects. She's not bothering anybody. The others weren't much of a surprise, but what was most interesting was that they all had something else in common: even their "haters" admitted that they were talented and relevant, with the exception of MissLolita_F who comes across as the Heidi Montag of Stardoll (why is she famous?).

Most can't deny that Style_Magazine remains "the most popular user-created magazine", as she herself puts it, even after over a year of not putting out new issues. I don't know much about Tylerisbold and his many projects as I never followed any of them, but those who named him as the person they most hated on Stardoll said, in the same breath, that they wished he could stick to a project long enough for it to really succeed. And UndamyUmbrellla gets on people's nerves but a lot of them admitted she was smart and often had really insightful things to say. I've been saying that about her for a while. She has sent me some random, rambling, borderline incoherent messages before, the girl is a little unhinged. But her "crazy lady" persona cracks me up! I can't help but like her, and apparently the same goes for those who claim to hate her.

The point is, as much as people wanna light some torches and lead an angry mob over to their suites sometimes, Stardoll needs them like Glee needs Sue Sylvester.

And that's how Sue C's it! :D:D

My Poem for Beverlyhillshei...

Beverlyhillshei, who is also known as "Ashley Wilson" (if that is her real name), claims to be a rich and an immensely powerful heiress. Living in New York or something, or Beverly Hills, I do not care, Ashley apparently lives in huge mansion- with lots of money.

We should all be jealous with extreme envy...right?

Nope, we know that all her tellings are infact lies that have been conjured up to propel her into Dollywood.

I even googled her name; nope, no famous and rich heiress, not even on Wikipedia. Oh shame. Well, she must be so famous that she is practically unknown, spending all her important time on a measly little site to hide from the press.

I feel poem...

There was a girl named BeverlyHillsHei,
Bragging to us that her mansion was so fly,
possessing long flowing blonde hair,
humongous diamonds in each ear,
and mesmerising eyes as blue as the sky.

Ashley Wilson was her "real name",
Stating she had a fortune to claim,
Laying in her boudoir,
Eating fine caviar,
We all knew that these lies were so lame.

Ashley slowly slips on her holey socks,
Then gently crawls out of her cardboard box,
Sitting naked like a whore,
We all knew that you were poor,
She is the hobo that we love to mock.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

"Official" Elites List?

Word on the SD streets is that LadyGagaMcQueen and GossipGirl4Real have came up with their very own "Official Elites List" of Stardoll.

Of course you can see how controversial and biased this list can and will become, and as most "elite" blog ideas don't go without controversy, neither has this one. Some have even boldly stated that this blog is nothing but a recycling of MaryKates blog: The Stardoll Hall of Fame

The comment section speaks volumes. And many users have no qualms about voicing their opinions on this new venture. Here in the comment section MaryKate14 is shown at first subtly stating that they copied her idea, although ending with a blatant "BEWARE".
An anonymous poster says that some of the people listed aren't even "elite".

Abiibabeh..x says that she refuses to choose 10 because there are many more and that it would
indeed be playing favorites. I myself totally agree with this statement.
But in the end Evermore1Girl had one of the best comments in my opinion.
A lot of people have done things and influenced people on SD. It's too hard to choose.
More comments from blog readers: of course the nastiest comments come from anonymous posters who are too scared shitless to post on their own names. Kudos to you. Your insults hold no weight when their sent without a name. WOW. Angry much?

Overall both blogs seem worth the read.
Its a shame MaryKate14 decided to get rid of her blog.
And as for the Elite List,
I will say that the banner graphics suck for this blog but one
feature that caught my eye was the AWARDS WINNERS section;
A quick reference to who won what in which "awards show."
Very informative for someone like me as I almost NEVER show up at these things.
Now... Lets get down to the real business.



The whole "ELITE" , "FAME WHORE" thing is a bit overrated. If you've ever been extremely popular in school or in real life in general you would know that its not all its cracked up to be. The haters are always there. But luckily for us for every hater there are 4 people who absolutely LOVE what we're doing.


Saturday, February 19, 2011

PSG Exsclusive: The Alter Egos Of Stardoll

Over the years we have encountered many users with alter egos. Some do it for an escape. Some do it out of boredom. Some out of loneliness. And some have even done it for the sheer pleasure of fooling everyone. Either way I don't have any real opinion on it. To each his or her own. As long as they're not hurting anyone I suppose.
But its still extremely weird behavior though. On this post, I will tag other users suspected of alter ego activity. Feel free to comment on any users that you suspect of the same.

I'll start with the obvious. Many have said it anonymously in comments as well as my email inbox. Although I myself, I have no qualms about saying what a lot of people are thinking "out loud"...

Part I
Isabella.Arci , Noelle_page and BubblyMinty:3 best friends
(or 1 girl with various alter egos?)
The resemblance is uncanny...

Identical profiles.
Practically identical dolls.
Similar suite decor.
All sporting the "ridiculously layered" look,
made famous by Isabella herself.

Isabella's presentation says that she is a chef at a fancy restaurant, while BubblyMintys talks about her parents who supposedly own a fancy restaurant. They both share a love for cuisine. Isabella's bio claims to have grown up in the Philippines: "I am a single girl with Italian~Philippino~Spanish descent" she states. While Noelle's flag shows that she also LIVES in the Philippines. Meanwhile,BubblyMinty's presentation states: "I am of an Asian descent, mainly Chinese, but also some Vietnamese too..." and living in Great Britain.
Interesting indeed.

the trios SD bios:

It has also been said that Noelle and Isabella are indeed the same girl,
while BubblyMinty is just a copycat fan of theirs.
The extreme style of elegant dress. The dark hair. The long lighthearted drawn out presentations. Even best friends have separate personalities. Or do they?
Do these 3 girls seem the same?
As obvious as it is, It seems as though she doesn't really care if people know or think that this is the same person or not.


FilipinhaMaria & LLCoolJason:One and the same?
(or just a young "couple" having internet fun who are extremely into each other?)

This very popular virtual couple may indeed just be one single person with a lot of time on their hands. Similar suites. Obsessive bios on stardoll profile. Could any 2 people in 2 separate parts of the world truly be this into each other? Especially at such a young age? Lets review the information:

Photo taken from FilipinhaMarias Stardoll profile

Jason and Marias suites intertwine
Maria has since changed her presentation,
but at one time they were completely identical to one anothers:

FilipinhaMarias old presentation
LLCoolJasons old presentation.

Is FilipinaMaria also LLCoolJason? The possibility seems quite grand.
It's either that or they're just really completely crazy about each other.
I find that option odd though, as they live in Australia and Portugal.
Note that they're both Filipino and neither is actually residing in the Philippines. A little whisperer told me that neither has been seen on live webcam. Our sources have found this tidbit of information to be inconclusive.
Or to put it simply: We haven't spoken to anyone who has seen them on cam before as of yet. Maybe one our our readers have?
Their suites are practically identical. And what straight guy is even that good at decorating his suite? And with hearts, sunflowers and animal print at that?
Maybe she did it for him?
Or maybe its really just one person...

Apparently FiliphinhaMaria has no issues with logging onto 2 accounts at once. It can easily be done on separate browsers:
Here she is photo'd at a party with her "other me"
click here to enlarge:

But hey. There's nothing wrong with being madly, deeply, crazy in love with yourself, right guys?

xoxo, CommesDesGarcon


Tylers Top Models!

Earlier today Tylerisbold hosted a conference for his new modelling agency, Tyler’s Top Models! There he debuted his fresh new models and clients. We got to ask a few questions too! With modelling jobs in magazines such as Eternity Magazine, Edge Magazine, Stardoll Magazine and Ego Magazine, who WOULDN’T want to be a model? The models are:

I also asked a few questions to Tyler pre-party!

C- Eternity Magazine is one of the most-celebrated glossies, how does knowing you have them as a client affect your execution?

Ty - I am very thrilled to hear that Eternity Magazine has returned, or will be returning. I have known about this for some time actually, so the better statement would be - I have been thrilled. Eternity Magazine is funky. It is fresh and it is easy to relate to. That is what makes people enjoy it so much. Plus, the graphics obviously play a tremendous roll in its' success. But besides that, it is everything a model can ask for. It can get you noticed really quick. To say that having Eternity Magazine as a client does not effect my execution at the agency would be a complete lie. It does. To be able to partner up with a glossy as big as Eternity is overwhelming. We are doing our best to make sure that we overwhelm Eternity, however.

Yes, you do see correctly Eternity AND Edge magazine are back, and well, myself and Tylerisbold are the Editors in Chief of EDGE, spread the news!

And of course, that one question you just have to ask…

C- What makes your agency different to every other one out there?

Ty- To be honest, I am not fully aware of how many modeling agencies are out there (on Stardoll). But what I can say about mine is that it is exclusive. It is cutthroat. I have been been called a heartless monster and so has the fashion industry alike. It is not in my nature to come off as rude or evil or whatever, but when people get to know me, they say the complete opposite. Sure I am picky and I am a perfectionist - but that is what makes my projects so great (to me anyways). To get into this agency you have to have the same determination that I do. You have to want it. While most people say this is just a virtual site, I can and do take it as far as I see fit. After all, are we not doing an interview for a Stardoll-based gossip blog? What I mean to say is that this agency accepts the ones who believe and imagine. They are the ones who keep this world alive.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Burn in hell?

I leave Stardoll for one day and come back and the entire SD blog world is in shambles (sarcasm).
I know you dolls are so sick of hearing about it but I couldn't resist posting my opinion in a public forum. I JUST HEARD ABOUT IT TODAY.

Apparently Jack did some extremely sneaky stuff to Miss_LolitaF with the help of his printscreen button and photoshop, and Noelle Page (along with a few other dollies) are MEL GIBSON MAD.
It was horrid, it was scandalous, it was totally inappropriate and wrong. It was what you all craved and wanted.

lmao@BubblyMinty. I know Lolita is your friend and all but
telling someone that they're going to burn in hell via SD is a bit much.

And as pretentious an big headed as she seems to be in this comment, LOLITA is the only person who should really be mad. Instead of being an asshole troll (excuse my language..but I'm at lack for better words) on his guestbook and laughing it off, Jack should apologize to her. He should also apologize to Noelle_Page for calling her a liar when he was the one who lied.

It was an admirable (yet sneaky and birdbrained) attempt at framing a completely innocent person, if I must say so myself.
Lest we not forget that my opinion is totally unbiased, as I have never had a real conversation with either party and really could care less. I've also been totally M.I.A. from stardoll so I'm not familiar with this self proclaimed "famewhore" Miss_Lolitaf. I dont know freeduck_ from a can of paint.

Oooh How we love SD drama. Perhaps because there isn't enough drama in our real everyday lives. Perhaps because we just enjoy watching others crumble under the pressure of negative and positive fame.
I read some of the comments on Memoires of a Medolls post on the ordeal and I will say this:

What this kid did was totally lame but to say that ONLY GOD CAN SAVE HIM NOW?

Jack is in (and I quote) "deep shit"?
How is he in deep shit when all he has to do is log off?

I love the shirt Jacky boy. I really do.

p.s. The whole posting of Tylers nudes was just uncalled for.
I never thought I'd see the STARDOLL DAY when drama on my favorite dolly site
surrounded child pornography.
Dear Tyler, I'm not knocking you for having nudes or whatever. That's your business, but when you represent a site like STARDOLL, stuff like that is just something you shouldn't do.Now you see the drama that can unfold over 1 photo?
And Ysadora, I never got a chance to address you but you are vile as hell for posting that poor kids nude photos on a public blog in the first place.

xoxo, CommesDesGarcon

iheartperez Best & Worst Dressed

Time for another PSG Best & Worst Dressed list, brought to you by the letter "P", for Pink. And Perez. And Pancakes! Let's get it started:

 bubblyminty ~ kukipopoi ~ queen-of-mean ~ alice2078

Jenny (bubblyminty) looked absolutely adorable in her own design, I love everything about her outfit, especially the layered tulle under her dress. Both her and kukipopoi managed to make their outfits super girlie without being cheesy, and both have a retro 50's twist to them. queen-of-mean was wearing exactly what I would choose for a Valentine's Day date in real life. She looked absolutely gorgeous, simple and elegant. alice2078's dress was cute, though there's something weird about the bodice, I think the way she arranged the flowers makes her torso look a little distorted.

To_Royal ~ tapstar321 ~ Style_Magazine ~ SaltyDan

My girl Dei (To_Royal) was definitely one of the best dressed of the entire night! She looked badass, the layered bracelets and necklaces, the funky platforms, the crazy Tangled hair, it's all good, it's all win. tapstar321 is one of the few people I've seen pull off a pant-less outfit, and I really liked the gloves. If she had goggles on she'd look like a half-naked mad scientist. Style_Magazine described her outfit to me as "Slaveney", a term used by Britney Spears's fans to describe her Slave 4 U era.  Her style and attitude have certainly evolved since my old days on the blog, and I have to give her props for that! Though I would have loved for her to really bring the Britney. SaltyDan is the love of my Stardoll life. The end. 

Simple & Sweet
Elite-girl ~ bluegreen86 ~ Ruubin ~ Zoe_COUTURE

Elite-girl looked sweet and innocent, and I like how she styled her suite to go with her outfit. Mel's (bluegreen86) outfit was deceptively simple, it was made out of  layered branches! She is famous for this kind of stuff, check out her album it's awesome. I remember a gown she did a while back made entirely of grass that was absolutely stunning, I wish I could remember what article it was posted on.  Ruubin was an adorable little Marylin Monroe doll. Her outfit would have been another great retro look if she'd thrown on a little faux fur shrug. Zoe_COUTURE's outfit reminded me of Cher from Clueless! Love it!

Black & Pink
JuciiMami827 ~ EliteNews (& her mystery date) ~ Brit-On-Me

I really loved JuciiMami827's outfit, it is very chic and very French. She looks like she's out shopping in Paris. I love her purse! I wasn't online when it came out, me wants it my precious!! :( Baya (EliteNews) showed up looking cute with a mysterious brunette. Brit-On-Me's outfit was awesome, it's very much my style. I really like how nicely he coordinated the funkiness of the jacket (another thing that I missed out on during my hiatus that ME WANTS) with the sleekness of the dress, and the cutesy hair bow. Everything went together perfectly.

Screw Your Theme, Perez!
Blahm3 ~ MeiFAB ~ MissDancer853 ~ Martusia_144

Everyone in this group looks pissed! They're all, "We'll wear what we want and you'll like it!", and I do! Out of the 4 my favorite is Blahm3, her sleeves are fierce! I also really like MeiFAB's scary Russian Cossack look. It almost seems like she's about to randomly break out into that crazy kick dance. MissDancer853 looks like she'll cut a bitch, and Martusia_144, though my least favorite of the four, is well put together.

omgsmilingcows ~ xxdrivebylove ~ freeduck_ ~ vanilladream123

omgsmilingcows looks like a looney highschool Art teacher who can't wait to retire. Lindsay (xxdrivebylove) was doing sort of the same 50's/60's retro look as Jenny and kukipopoi, but hers was more Mad Men than Grease. I like the idea, but it just made her look old. freeduck_ (who just recently confessed in his presentation to making up the Lotita and Tyler story) looks like a Utah sister wife who snuck black hair dye onto the compound. And wtf vanilladream123? You look homeless. Like you found all that stuff in a dumpster and just threw it on.

Who Wore It Better?
bubblyminty ~ superjuniormfan ~ Luxury_Magazine ~ Miss_LolitaF

I'm gonna let yal judge on this one, though I've already given my opinion on Jenny's outfit and pitting her against superjuniormfan is probably unfair...

UndamyUmbrellla ~ BlahBlahBubble ~ EliteQueen ~ eltato

You know what, Kasia's (UndamyUmbrellla) outfit wasn't that bad. I like the Joker-esque crazy old lady smudged lipstick, and pretty much the overall kookiness of the look. It just wasn't as impressive as what I usually see her in. BlahBlahBubble, were you digging out of the same dumpster as vanilladream123? EliteQueen was really insistent while I was at the party that I look at her outfit, so I was expecting something impressive, but I was underwhelmed. The dress itself is amazing, but she needed to have made it  her own with more interesting accessories. eltato just bored me. Not a bad outfit, but nothing special. 

The next party will be another classic PSG theme event, and I already know what I want it to be! Here's a hint: 

 " Tonight, tonight/ The world is wild and bright.."  ♫ ♪
