
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Indonesia "State Agriculture with The Great Probability of Malnutrition Case"

Growth level of Economic in Indonesia, which is unhealthy causes a decrease in nutritional quality. Indonesia formerly known as an agricultural country now has shifted into a highly consumptive state giant in the world. Factually proven major food commodities: rice, soybean, corn, eggs, milk, and meat, are imported. Food purchasing power of people is very low. Aka poverty crust bottom layer of the most poor are farmers and fishermen. In fact, should they become food producers in the country which he said was an agrarian country. This is due to the absence of equalization. Poverty is also the root causes of food crises. Occurrence of natural disasters that repeatedly befall the community, also greatly affect the increasingly rampant poverty. Other causes are unemployment problems are formidable and growing inflation soared. All this will eventually lead to low purchasing power. With the purchasing power of this sagging, let alone be able to finance the cost of education, health, shelter and clothing, just to buy cheap food becomes very heavy.
Such conditions lead to lower quality of nutrition (malnutrition) in Indonesia. Malnutrition is a technical term that is generally used by the nutrition, health and medicine. Malnutrition is the worst form of the occurrence of chronic malnutrition. Ironically, until recently the case of extreme hunger that affects malnutrition is still the case that we often encounter in Indonesia. In 2007, approximately 5,543,944 of the 19,799,874 children under five that exist in Indonesia is expected to face problems of malnutrition and malnutrition (Coordinating Ministry for People's Welfare, 2007). While the results of the Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) 2007 indicates that as many as 19 provinces have prevalence and malnutrition prevalence above the national average of 18.4%.
Extreme hunger and poverty alleviation became one of the 8-point Millennium Development Goals (Millennium Development Goals), Indonesia agreed with the 189 countries September 10 years ago. To achieve this goal, Indonesia has two targets, one of which contains a "decrease the number of people suffering from hunger by half in Indonesia." We're certainly very hopeful that this target is not just wishful thinking, hopes, by 2015 the number of hunger later in Indonesia, amounting to 17 million people will lose half to 8.5 million people.

Causes of Malnutrition

        Malnutrition is influenced by many interrelated factors. Broadly speaking, the causes of child malnutrition due to food intake or a child less frequent pain / infection.

  - Intake of less caused by many factors, among others:
 1. The unavailability of adequate food
Unavailable adequate food is directly related to socio-economic conditions. Sometimes natural disasters, wars, and political and economic policies that burden the people's will cause this. Poverty is identical to the unavailability of adequate food. Data Indonesia and other countries shows that the reciprocal relationship between malnutrition and poverty. Poverty is the principal cause or root of the problem of malnutrition. The proportion of malnourished children is inversely proportional to income. The smaller the income of the population, the higher the percentage of undernourished children.

2. Children are not sufficiently well-balanced nutritious meals
The best natural food for babies is mother's milk, and after 6 months of age children do not get Complementary feeding (MP-ASI) is appropriate, both quantity and quality will be consequential to the nutritional status of infants. MP-ASI is good not only contain enough energy and protein, but also contains iron, vitamin A, folic acid, vitamin B and other vitamins and minerals. MP-ASI is right and good to put yourself at home. In families with low education and low knowledge of their children often have to be satisfied with potluck foods that do not meet the nutritional needs of infants due to ignorance.

3. The wrong diet
A study of "Positive Deviance" learn why of the many infants and young children in a poor village only a small proportion of malnutrition, even though their parents are all poor farmers. From this study the pattern of parenting known to affect the incidence of malnutrition. Children who nurtured his own mother with affection, let alone his mother educated, understand the importance of breastfeeding, the benefits of neighborhood health center and cleanliness, although equally poor, apparently healthy children. The element of female education affects the quality of child care. Conversely some malnourished children who were cared for by grandmothers or caregivers who are also poor and uneducated. Number of women who left their villages to seek work in the city even became migrant workers, the possibility also can cause children suffer from malnutrition. Habits, myths or beliefs / customs of society that is not true in the feeding will be very detrimental to the child. For example, the habit of giving the baby to drink only water, giving solid foods too early, abstain on certain foods (such as not giving children meat, eggs, milk etc.), this eliminates the chance of the child to get the intake of fat, protein and enough calories.

  - Frequent illness (frequent infections)
           Being the second most important cause of malnutrition, especially in underdeveloped countries and developing such as Indonesia, where awareness of hygiene / personal hygine are still lacking, and the threat of endemicity of certain diseases, particularly chronic infections such as tuberculosis (TB) is still very high. Linkages of infection and malnutrition like a vicious cycle that is difficult to be decided, because both are interrelated and aggravate each other. The condition of chronic infection will cause malnutrition and malnutrition conditions alone would give a bad impact on defense systems that facilitate the occurrence of infection.

- Consequences of poor nutrition, loss of generation?
        Malnutrition is not only the stigma of the dreaded, this is of course related to the socio-economic impact on family and state, in addition to the various consequences that received the children themselves. Malnutrition conditions will affect many organs and systems, because the conditions of malnutrition is also often accompanied by a deficiency (lack of) the intake of micro / macro nutien another very necessary for the body. Malnutrition will be brought disorder to the body's defense system against microorganisms and mechanical defense so susceptible to infection.
       Broadly speaking, in acute conditions, poor nutrition can cause life-threatening dysfunction berberbagai that in natural, among other threats arising hipotermi (easily chilled) due to fatty tissue thin, hypoglycemia (blood sugar levels are below normal levels) and lack of critical electrolyte and body fluids.
        If untreated and acute phase but not at follow-up with either a result of children not to 'catch up' and catch up in the long run this condition have a negative impact on growth and development. As a result of poor nutrition on the growth performance is very detrimental to children, due to the condition of 'stunted' (short little body postures) resulting. Even more worrying again, child development was disturbed. Effects of malnutrition on mental development and brain depends on the degree of severity of view, the length and time of growth of the brain itself. If the conditions of malnutrition occurred during the golden period of brain development (0-3 years), can be imagined if the brain do not grow as a healthy child, and this condition will be irreversible (difficult to recover).
       Impact on brain growth has become vital because the brain is one of the 'assets' that are vital for children to be able to become qualified human in the future. Several studies have explained, the short-term impact of malnutrition on child development is a child becomes apathetic, impaired speech and other developmental disorders. While long-term impact is a decrease in IQ test scores, perkembangn cognitive decline, decreased sensory integration, attention concentration disorders, disorders of decreased self-confidence and of course the decline in academic achievement in school. Poor nutrition has the potential to be a cause of poverty through low quality of human resources and productivity. Not surprisingly, malnutrition is not managed well, the acute phase would be life threatening and in the long run will be a threat to the loss of a future generation.


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