Cover Magazine is known for its classy and contemporary graphics and columns, but is Cover a bit too edgy for Stardoll?
If anyone remembers the controversy of
Eternity Issue: January 2010? Yes, the one with our very own
Tyra Banks on the cover, sprawled on a bed with just a fur coat on. Remember how everyone threw a hissy fit over how 'adult' it was? Personally, it wasn't too bad, and it's way better than some of the real magazines we see out there.
Anyway, as I was reading through Cover, I nearly choked on my chips! Nobody seemed to notice the topless Mia (
yoTOO) on the cover, with just a denim jacket covering her prominent ta-tas. (The inset of the face is from Roiworld, where you can customize a doll too. The lips are taken from there, and used on the cover, and all over the whole issue. You'll notice it as I post other pictures.)
Apparently that's better than Eternity? The first image that we see after the cover, is of this naked Mia covered in chains. Can I just say that her booty looks way better than Kim Kardashian and Beyonc
é combined? As I saved this file, I glanced at the name, which happened to be
After that is an image of Mia lying on a couch in a corset and undies. Next is Mia in absolutely nothing, being covered by a towel. Then we're alright for a while, until we reach
Nojarama with a mullet. Then
fabulosa*04 in lingerie, prowling on a bed. I'm not posting pictures of all of these, and you can check them out at Cover Magazine's site (
click!). Next is the glamorous Mary (
writemarycat) in blue lingerie, blowing a bubble. The next season that they publish should be Fall, so hopefully they'll tone down their sex appeal a little. Ta-Tas No Likey The Cold! Overall, I think people need to pay a little more attention, as Eternity was not as bad as this magazine. Maybe it's because Eternity had more followers and was more popular? (
Not to say Cover isn't popular.) Not sure. Leave your opinion in the comment section!
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