Something Lolita always took pride in was her huge collection of MKA, Lotto, and the rest of her rare items, which she's shockingly decided to GIVE AWAY! Yes, you've read that right, Lolly is giving all of her clothing away! Her MKA and Lotto clothing have been given to many of her best friends of course, but for those who want to get their hands on the rest of Lolita's other rare memorabilia, on July 8th, Lolly will be having a blowout sale selling her items for only 2sd or 2sc. To see her practically give everything away just goes to show how she's serious about leaving.
Lolita has been called many things, one of them being "Stardoll's biggest famewhore," and was even dubbed with the nickname LOLita for her laughable antics. Although she said and done some crazy things, she always had us talking. You must admit, she as left her mark on Stardoll. Although many will be sad or ecstatic to see her leave, she were certainly not be forgotten!
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