The Best and Worse of SD Prom '09
The Long Awaited B/W List....
Diva: I thought she looked cute but not really Prom material but certainly no where near the worse dress list. Just something is missing, just can't put my finger on it.
Dan_Puffs: I don't mind this one, the dress is still too short for Prom but I'm not mad at it, I actually like how she matched her earrings to her shoes, they stand out from the bland dress
Diva: I like the gown, but at first it made me think of a wedding... but, it's your Prom fantasy not mine. Bravo!
Dan_Puffs: So classy. I wish she'd have left the necklaces off but either way it's really cute and very Prom material.
Diva: I was hoping I would see this style gown at the Prom. You hit it off very well, but I would have loved to have seen more accessories.
Dan_Puffs: Yay! a prom outfit, I loves it. I love the puffy sleeves, they are over the top and very 80's. Shame about the sunglasses and choice of hair, this could have been hotness.
Diva: You look amazing in your traditional black tux and I like the flower in your lapel nice touch! Good Job!
Dan_Puffs: Stylish. I like this one, it's a bit too smooth for me, but it looks good on him, hate the sunnies though, they have no place at a Prom.
Diva: It's different but, it's your fantasy! There is something charming about your gown and please tell Prof. Teddy hello!
Dan Puffs: Bad. I don't like anything to be honest it's such a bad mix, looks like a dominatrix who can not afford PVC.
Diva: I'm glad someone used the heart gown. It's one of my favorite gowns on SD. Not crazy about the accessories.
Dan Puffs: Totally inoffensive outfit, It's not great but it's nice enough. I think some dramatic make up could have made this stand out a little more.
Diva: I really like the gown on her. I like that she accessorized with gold because most people use silver accessories with that gown.
Dan_Puffs: I like this one, It's like a dress a friend of mine wore for Prom, it stands out nicely to the other shit efforts so far.
Dan_Puffs: I like this one, It's like a dress a friend of mine wore for Prom, it stands out nicely to the other shit efforts so far.
Diva: WOWZER! she looks amazing! One of my favorites at the Prom! You wearing that gown mama!
Dan_Puffs: Gorgeous, finally a person making a real effort, I love this dress and I've never seen it before, I like the train it's cute and sophisticated. Also loving the bright purse which catches your eye. The best so far.
Diva: You look dashing! I love the ascot, it's so gentleman like and I love your overall look. The men at the Prom were going off in the style department!
Dan_Puffs: I like the outfit, it's clean and simple and I love the tie and how he's styled this but the hair is awful. It's like a judge in court.Diva: Wow! what can I say? Girl you look stunning and you layered the hell out of that gown!One of my favorites of the night.
Dan_Puffs: I love Dei, she's such a sweetie and I do like this outfit, she is one of very few who make layering look amazing, not my favorite though.
Diva: I love how simple and swet you look. It's not overdone at all and you wore a corsage!
Dan_Puffs: This girl has great style, I've visited her before and thought so, I think she played her outfit down with accessories but it totally works, she looks fresh and cute. I'd have happily danced with her. :P
Diva: I love your entire look. Everything coordinates beautifully. Nuff said.
Dan Puffs: Cute dress and I like how she mixed up some belts to make it her own, I really like this one it's simple but well put together, one of the nicest but it's not very memorable.
Diva: He looks very dapper, clean cut and handsome and one of the leading males at the Prom. I think he's taken ladies... he came to the Prom with queen.of.mean
Diva: I love her look from head to toe. The colors are not over exaggerated and blend well with your beautiful complexion.
Dan_Puffs: I really like this one, I like the chest area it's really colorful and well put together. Her face is really pretty too, minimal make-up works here because her outfit is beautiful.
Diva: She looks amazing in your gown but you didnt need the belt because the gown is spectacular on it's own. The necklace added a stylish touch.
Diva: This is a nice attempt to layering, but you should have stopped at the black..adding that blue ruffle at the bottom makes the dress look cheesy.
Dan_Puffs: I don't actually think this one is that bad, it's not great but I like the navy and black combo. It reminds me a little of Charlotte's dress from SATC:MDiva: I like the idea of your outfit...I just dont think it's Prom worthy. You look like youre going to a nice dinner party.
Dan_Puffs: More day out than Prom. It's nice generally but overall I think it's basic. Whatevs.
Diva: I just dont think it's Prom worthy! We can hang out at the Club and you can wear that ok?
Dan_Puff: Not prom, again. I don't really like the front of the dress it's showing too much which makes it look a little slutty. Where is the imagination?
Diva: It's just not working for me. I can't find one Prom worthy item. Love the shoes though.
Dan_Puff: Not a Prom outfit, more an eco-warrior emo. It's not nice at all to me.
Diva: Girl, you look so sweet and look like you on ya way to church and not the Prom! But those who were there... we know you a stone cold FREAK!
Dan_Puffs: So utterly bland, it's like a conversation with Style in the form of clothes. Boring, uninspired and really basic. Yawn.
Diva: I tired very hard to figure out where your look begun and ended and nothing worked for me... nuff said.
Diva: You look so scary! I was thinking you went to the wrong party? Hey, I like your outfit and you rocked at the Prom!
Dan_Puffs: Tranny? It's like Morticia Addams with a bad dye job and what's she got stuck in her hair? baby skulls? check the graveyard I think there could be a transgendered zombie on the loose.
Diva: You look cute, but you need some accessories hun. I know your'e not a SS, but hopefully after this post, you'll have tons of gifts in your suite from the snobby elites! Ya'll help her out and none of them damn penquins!
Dan_Puffs: The most boring outfit ever, what's the point in even bothering if this is all you can come up with? Please use accessories to make the outfit your own or something?Asian_boi12
Diva: I'm not sure if you meant to go to the Prom or you just stumbled upon a party? But your'e gonna be popular now!
Dan_Puff: Not prom, not good. No point in turning up.
Diva: Ho Bootsat the Prom? A Fedora? But, I like the gloves and the clutch. I also think SHE/HIM is a party all by itself! **Shemale Alert!
Dan_Puff: Not half bad, I like this girl she's honest and funny, the dress is bland and the nip tassels kind of make it freaky. The constipated face is also a worry. 
Diva: Your dress is pretty and it was the most popular dress of the night, but girl... the fishnets with it dont work. BTW, are you really a guy?
Dan_Puffs: She looks like a prostitute, the fishnets are not hot with that dress and I think there is a nest of rats living on her eye lids.
Diva: Booooo! Boooo! This is layering at it's worse! Will some one please give her a lesson on layering the correct way?
Diva: I don't know where you going, but it isn't the Prom. It's looks like a great party outfit though we can hang out and go to the club girl, you look like fun!
Dan_Puffs: Biker lesbian became a good look, when?
Diva: Boots Again? Even if you wore sneakers, it would have been better than boots. I can't even focus on your dress. Wrong party dear.
Dan_Puffs: It's consistent, shame it's a bad consistent. Funeral attire.
Diva: What can I say, everyone has an off day, but everybody knows this girl can out style the BEST any day of the week!
Dan_Puffs: So bad I laughed when I first saw it because it's funny she thought it was cute. It's like a Disney bride knock-off. xbridgetiscutex
Diva: Personally, I thought you looked cute in a puppy like way, but others on the panel didn't feel me.
Dan_Puffs: Shit. I won't even give points for effort.
Diva: I dont know if she wanted to wear DKNY or DIY... you tell me. I dont even understand that bow in her head? *scratching my head? NEXT!
Dan_Puffs: She looks shocked, Botox shocked. No wonder, it's foul and tacky. The DIY effect is just kind of there, what's the point?
Diva: Here is her 15 mins. of whatever. Her inspiration came from her bud -Derek. Nuff said.
Dan_Puffs: Who ordered the stripper?
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