Hey everyone, sorry for posting sort of sporadically lately, all work and no play make Charlotte a dull boy. I've been wanting to write this post for a while now but I guess I haven't really had the chance to, or found the right moment, but now, I found something that is worth writing about(can you believe it? I know I can't).
You've all heard of these groups on stardoll, right? I'm sure there's aplenty, but the two that stand out... Fashion group and Dioguardi group (let's say FG and DG for short). There's been a little inside drama lately, with people sending around skype messages about the two and what not. But it came to my attention that today, it's been a little more public.
There's been a fight! (SHOCK HORROR! I suppose you could call it a fight, it's more like catty comments) This time it's between FG owner Writemarycat, and DG owners Findurlove and Miss_lolitaF, here are some of the comments on the FAU post on FG's blog:

The sheer excitement of this dramatic moment evidently became too much for Lolita, when she announced she had had enough *rolls eyes*

It continued with just Mary and Maggie commenting:

I suppose Tyler isn't the only one who likes wasting his time writing essays for comments, huh? The comments went on with Mary mentioning Manolo finally finding a girlfriend in Maggie, if you wanna see the whole argument click
HEREI guess some of you won't really appreciate this post, but I found the argument sort of amusing and WOW I FEEL LIKE THIS IS SUCH A CLICHÉ LINE but... What team are you on? FG
or DG? ;D