Sunday, May 30, 2010
Friday, May 28, 2010
Back to the Beach!
P.S. I definitely have the current MAC to the Beach collection on the brain cuz I just bought a bunch of it lol, has anyone else gotten anything from the collection?
Chanel on Stardoll + more.
Yeah, they are all Chanel, from the S/S 2010 Collection, and most likely they are coming in a new Shop on Stardoll, will they be part of the Summer Pass Celebrations or something else? Will they be in Starplaza for a lot of time or will they be Limited, well we will see. And thanks to HoupIsOnFire for making the picture with the real Life versions too.
Also, a new project has joined Stardoll and is called Stardoll's Got Talent, and looks like one of the new big things, to read more: (Sorry for not pictures but my internet is really slowly today and it takes more then 10 mins to put a picture.)
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
What could it be?
Will this Campaign be a better one or just as the ones in the past, will we have to pay to get the promised "fun" or it will be Great as the Campaign page states?
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
The Stardoll Hall of Fame's back!
MaryKate14 is bringing back the Stardoll Hall of Fame, and not only with the A List but also along with 2 other lists, the F List and the Z List, to read more:
Also while talking personally with Mary Kate she stated: Be ready for something new, and start preparing. This is going to be good,and it has just started.
Lolita Elisabeth (:
Monday, May 24, 2010
BBS Task nr.3:
The Information is all from
This task is very important because it will be a team work.
The 7 girls that are in the poll are safe from this task, while the other 10 will be divided in 5 groups with 2 members each.
In this task, they will show creativity and team work. In this tasks each group will have a topic and they will create an outfit for it, and also write an essay for it. One girl will create the outfit and the other will write the essay.
The Groups:
Gr.1 - Blueberry-dream & tip_toe_girl (Topic: Balenciaga)
Gr.2 - katara4 & MadWorld (Topic: D&G)
Gr.3 - x.Mariana.x & Clubklo (Topic: Chanel)
Gr.4 - stargrl_999 & prisaphiliagrl (Topic: Gucci)
Gr.5 - Daisy-Croatia & Anouch10 (Topic: Lanvin)
Each girl should add her partner and decide who will do the outfit and who will write the essay for it. For the Outfit you can check and decide to make one outfit that is shown there, while for the essay you can use google info but should write it by yourself.
The 2 groups with less votes from the judges will go in the poll and the 2 girls from the group with more votes to leave will be eleminated.
Deadline: May 27th
Send both picture of outfit and also text to Miss_LolitaF.
These task Judges are: Miss_LolitaF, Manolo.DiCicco, Nicole-0, Avril14140 and Hunnigall.
Next week will start the auditions for 2 new contestants.
Lolita Elisabeth (:
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Dalai Lama
Nationality: Tibetan
For other international celebrities on Twitter click here:
Friday, May 21, 2010
Youtube Make-up Gurus!
There are make-up gurus on youtube of all ages, skin tones, and skin types. They give great tips on make-up application, hairstyling, skincare, reviews of new products, and they've introduced me to great brands that I'd never even heard of before. One is, a company that is best known for their eyeshadow and blush palettes. I now own three of them, and I cannot recommend them enough! Each one comes with 88 different shades of incredibly pigmented eyeshadows for only between $19-$25 a palette! Just one MAC eyeshadow alone is $14.50, and Coastal Scents shadows are just as good in terms of quality.
My favorite youtube make-up gururs are:
I also hear we might be getting a new cosmetics brand on Stardoll, which I hope is true because I'm bored with that Dot stuff. I hope everyone's doing well! I'm going to try and be online more this summer so I can do a few ThePoisonApple events, contact me if you'd like to host a party with us! Talk to yal later :):)
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Personally Dan: Fur, Food and Cruelty
Now, I firstly want to say, I do not support peta, I like their stance on animal abuse, their approach is horrible though, from handing out KFC buckets full of fake bones and blood to children to throwing red paint or dye onto those who enjoy fur - totally unacceptable and in my opinion a really awful way to make a point.
Fur has been a strong statement in fashion, especially this past winter, I keep a close eye on the catwalks, because of school and the amount of real fur used is upsetting and unsettling to say the least, with the high quality of fake furs I personally no longer see the need in killing animals to wear a coat or a hat which will probably never be worn again after the said season bought, because that's how fashion is, it's such a quick turn over, fur was just a fashion fix, although it's permanent fixture in the lines such as Matthew Williamson, Balenciaga, Louis Vuitton, Christian Dior and Dolce & Gabbana.
Chanel have reportedly recently started phasing out using real fur, their 2010 shows featured fake fur, joining the likes of Abercrombie & Fitch, Max Azria, Hervé Léger, Betsey Johnson, Calvin Klein, Juicy Couture, Ralph Lauren and my personal favorite Stella McCartney.
Stars such as Keira Knightly, Madonna, Jessica Simpson, Kate Moss, Anna Wintour, Mary J Blige and the Olsen Twins continually wear fur, Keira Knightly was recently seen wearing astrakhan fur, which is a particularly nasty form of fur, coming as it comes from a lamb foetus, cut prematurely from its mother's womb, before its tight black curls have unfurled. Other Stars such as Kate Winslet, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Eva Mendes, Pamela Anderson, Olivia Munn, Christy Turlington, Gwyneth Paltrow and Paris Hilton all refuse to wear fur, Paris has voiced her opinions stating 'fake fur is amazing, why wear real fur and have animals suffer?'.
I personally do not understand why real fur is still being used, I mirror Paris Hilton's comments, why make an animal suffer? for one coat Keira Knightly wore over 20 sheep would have been slaughterd, then their unborn lambs will have had their lives cut short also, so for a fashion peice Keira has the blood of 40+ animals on her hands.
It's not just fashion which seemingly encourage animal cruelty, fast food giants McDonald's and KFC have also been found to treat the animals they use for customers in such an inhumane way that the undercover reporter at the KFC investigation was physically sick at witnessing the abuse the animals faced on a routine basis, which included their beaks being sawn off, their legs being broken and most horribly, workers throwing the animals around and stamping on them. It's murder, their is NOTHING humain about an animal being stamped to death. I have now switched to eating organic and faretrade meats because of this abuse, it's horrible and I personally find it upsetting.
Next time you youtube a Dior fashion show and feel weak at the knees over a coat being sashaed down a runway, imagine how the coat came to be, and how many animals were murderd for your 20 second enjoyment or imagine what may have happened to your Happy Meal just before it was slapped between two bread halves.
BBS Task.2 entries:
Monday, May 17, 2010
BBS News & more:
(Thanks Hunnigall for the new banner)
Hey My PSG Readers, how are you today?
There have been lot's of thing happening lately on Stardoll, so let me write a lil bit for all.
1 - Big BrotherStardoll (BBS) has posted it's 2nd Task, me as the owner of it really like it and see it as an amazing step to see everyone performances, and if you are interested in knowing more about it and what it is:, and also now, if you have questions about BBS and want to ask anonymously:
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Hey everyone, sorry for the lack of reports/style posts. I have been super busy with school and exams! Can't wait for them to be over. Good luck to everyone who also have exams!
Anyway, the new 'Dioaguardi' collection campaign has been released! I can honestly say, I cannot wait to see the whole collection! Will surely kick off the summer with a fabulous start!
Love Nicole-0
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Stardoll Big Brother: Contestants Revealed!

The 18 contestamts talking part in Big Brother Stardoll have been revealed, and I'm happy to say, I'm one of them, as if my fellow PSG blogger Hazy_Cloud121!
The full contestant list is as follows;
01 - Katara4
02 - Clairepop
03 - Daisy-Croatia
04 - SaltyDan
05 - Wooldoor
06 - Princess_Kiara1
07 - GothRibbon
08 - x.Mariana.x
09 - Madworld
10 - Blueberry-dream
11 - Anouch10
12 - Tip_toe_girl
13 - Bluegreen86
14 - _anto_
15 - Clubklo
16 - Prisaphiliagrl
17 - Hazy_Cloud121
18 - _pinkalicious_x
I've heard a lot of people are unhappy with those picked, but the ones highlighted in blue are the people I know, the rest I've not spoken to or heard of, so to me, Miss_LolitaF did a pretty salty job picking the eventual contestants - I understand others do not agree though and they made their feelings known on the SBB blog.
What do you guys think? good line up? bad line up?
any predictions on a winner or who will be evicted first?
Voting voting voting

I suppose that you’re surprised, huh? Well yes, Tylerisbold’s awards, The Freakshow Awards will begin voting again, today in fact! (9th May), so click HERE to go to his blog and vote asap! The last awards ceremony didn’t exactly go to plan, so Tyler has promised to make this months bigger and better, super, right?
P.S- Anyone noticed how stardoll is really slow lately? Or maybe it's just me who thinks that...
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Sachin Tendulkar
Nationality: Indian
Other Indian Celebrities on Twitter: